Youth Fentanyl Awareness Collaboration Forum – September 28

September 28, 2023

This forum is targeted at coalitions, non-profits, law enforcement, and other agencies who are trying to raise awareness about fentanyl/fake pills to youth in their communities, but is open to anyone interested in youth fentanyl/synthetic drug awareness.

September 28 Meeting Agenda:

  • 9-9:45: All You Need to Know About Social Media — Daria Benedict, Director of Social Media at Wondros
  • 9:45-10:30: The New Drug Talk – Song for Charlie

The purpose of Fentanyl Awareness Collaboration Forum is to gather organizations doing youth fentanyl awareness work together via zoom on a regular basis so we all can share what we are working on, learn from each other, learn from expert guests, and perhaps collaborate on campaigns/solutions. Song for Charlie does not claim to always know the best way to get our fentanyl awareness messaging out to youth, but we do know that sharing knowledge and collaborating makes us all better, and we want to provide a forum where we can do that.

For any questions about this meeting, please contact Denise Mariano at