Take Action

The fentanyl epidemic calls for our collective action and unwavering commitment to protect lives. By coming together and taking proactive steps, we have the power to make a difference within our schools and communities. It’s time to empower change and protect the people we care about.

The New Drug Talk
Raise Fentanyl Awareness

There are many different ways to raise awareness about fentanyl. Do what you are comfortable with and what fits your skills. Song for Charlie is passionate about talking to kids where they are & in their language, so most of our suggestions are youth focused and sometimes parent oriented. That noted, all efforts to raise awareness are useful and welcome.

Make a Donation

You can support Song for Charlie by making a donation and getting your community involved. There are a variety of ways you can give back.

Make a Donation to Empower Families:

Song for Charlie is 100% donor funded, which means our work is only possible because of generous individuals like you. Make a one-time donation or become a monthly donor to sustain our mission for years to come.

Others Ways to Give

Learn more about all the ways you can give and support Song for Charlie from creating your own fundraiser, to planning your financial legacy, workplace giving and even tapping your community to help.

The New Drug Talk
School Outreach

Want to start a conversation about fentanyl awareness at your school? There are different ways you can work with school administrators, teachers, and counselors to initiate a public awareness campaign and/or incorporate fentanyl awareness and prevention into your school’s curriculum.

The New Drug Talk
No Random Pills Pledge


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