Current Data

Data Resources

Youth Behavior & Attitudes Research

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Key Links

CDC Wonder Database: 20 years of detailed mortality data and demographics including age, state, county, race, drug types, etc. Requires familiarity with the topic and query tools

CDC Provisional Drug Overdose Data: 5 years of provisional data at national level and most states, with drug types; some trend charting and an interactive map. County-level 15 month all drug mortality simple trend charts. Other drug overdose surveillance data links.

NIH National Institute of Drug Abuse Trends & Statistics. Summarized and graphical overdose death rates and state summaries. This data generally is not as recent as CDC data.

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Quick Statistics about treatment, services etc.

Surveys about youth drug use & perceptions

CDC SUDORS Dashboard: Fatal Overdose Data